cold plunge

Heat Up, Cool Down: Discover Balance with Our Sauna-Cold Plunge Duo

Heat Up, Cool Down: Discover Balance with Our Sauna-Cold Plunge Duo

If you’ve spent time in the Bend area, you’ve likely noticed a unique trend has taken root amidst the stunning natural landscape: cold plunges in the river. Another age-old practice finds its place in the hearts and homes of locals: the sauna. Originating in Finland over 2,000 ago, saunas have stood the test of time as a cornerstone of wellness and relaxation. Our Sun Sheds offer a space where a person can reap the benefits of a sauna (the back portion in this photo), and then come to the sunny side where they can keep an ice bath. Add in a big comfy chair and sit down to soak up some Vitamin D and you’ve got yourself a wellness retreat - right in your very own back yard.